Poutama - Pathways for Rangatahi
Katikati Community Centre in partnership with Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tamawhariua Health and Social Services, provides a 13-week course, three times a year, for rangatahi aged between 15 and 24 years old.
This is a government funded program to offer support for youth who are not engaged in education, employment or training. The program has been designed to support young people to develop their confidence and skills along the way preparing them for their next step whether it be employment or tertiary education.
Our dedicated coaches work beside the youth encouraging them through team building, motivational sessions, paid work experience and supporting them into a career path. Ongoing wrap around pastoral support remains a key element once a student has completed the course.
For more information, please contact our employment coach on:
021 229 6337 or email enquiries@katikaticommunity.nz
Katikati Hearts & Minds Research

1. Katikati Taiao
Identification of the Need
- Commissioned Katikati Hearts & Minds research as the base for Community Led initiatives in Katikati working in partnership with DIA.
- The need for more positive pathways for young people in Katikati was identified as a high priority.
- Commissioned Positive Pathways for Rangatahi as one of the initial CLD projects in Katikati in late 2019.
2. Positive Pathways for Rangatahi Project
Research to determine size of problem, available resources & potential solutions
- 200 or more rangatahi living between Waihi Beach and Te Puna are estimated to be ‘NEETs’ – that is, young people who are Not in Education, Employment or Training.
- Research with 24 NEETs / ex-NEETs was carried out under challenging circumstances with Covid-19 and the community in lockdown – thanks go out to David, Lisa and Noeline for conducting the research under such trying circumstances. Thanks also to Socialink for their support throughout the research.
- Many leaving school did not possess the skills required to take that next step, such as the ability to write a CV, present themselves well at an interview, identify suitable employment opportunities, or how to access training opportunities. The need for community mentoring was a clear message.

3. Positive Pathways Pilot
Pilot program supported by DIA, TECT, Bay Trust and Katikati Community Centre
- Hon. Jan Tinetti encouraged the Project Team to apply for He Poutama Rangatahi funding in late 2020, however with the tight timescale to complete a rigorous application, it resulted in the Taiao applying for funding to commence a pilot in 2021.
- In a community-led collaboration Katikati way, a pilot program was initiated between community partners and funders creating the Positive Pathways pilot which started in 2021. During the pilot year there were great outcomes for the community youth.

4. Poutama Pathways into Employment
$2m investment in Katikati Youth – He Poutama Rangatahi
- 25 Main Road is the new Poutama hub. We are building a youth team comprising of a team leader, social worker, youth career coach, youth employment coach and an activities connector working in partnership with Tamawhariua to deliver outcomes for youth.
- A theme of the research was that the youth who were interviewed did not believe anything would ever happen! We are delighted to be able to invite youth on to our pathway program and thank everyone who contributed to the outcome

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Please make contact with us:
- Using this form
- Visiting us
- Phone us